- Special Issue: Twenty Years of the Rome Statute: Functions, Goals, Effectiveness – Challenges of the International Criminal Court
- Julia Geneuss & Triestino Mariniello, Introduction
- Olympia Bekou, Dealing with Non-cooperation at the ICC: Towards a More Holistic Approach
- Frédéric Mégret, Peering behind the ‘Institutional Veil’ to Assess State Behaviour in the Security Council: Does/Should icc Membership Make a Difference?
- Triestino Mariniello, Judicial Control over Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court
- Barrie Sander, The Expressive Limits of International Criminal Justice: Victim Trauma and Local Culture in the Iron Cage of the Law
- Volker Nerlich, Audiences of the International Criminal Court
- Alice Riccardi, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Twenty Years of icc Practice: An International Law Perspective
New Issue: International Criminal Law Review
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
December 04, 2019