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Workshop: 3rd Hamburg Young Scholars' Workshop in International Law

On September 20-21, 2019, the Law Faculty of the University of Hamburg will host the 3rd Hamburg Young Scholars' Workshop in International Law. The program is here. Here's the idea:
The workshop is based on a peer-to-peer concept for doctoral students and post docs in international law. We have received a great response to our Call for Paper in spring and have put together an exciting program from all submissions. The provisional programme is attached to this email. We have limited places for spectators, who are cordially invited to take part in the discussions on the individual presentations and have the opportunity to talk to international PhDs and Post Docs through the workshop. Especially students are invited! Interested persons are requested to register at
Workshop: 3rd Hamburg Young Scholars' Workshop in International Law Workshop: 3rd Hamburg Young Scholars' Workshop in International Law Reviewed by Ladi Michael on September 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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