The latest volume of the British Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 87, 2016) is out. Contents include:
- In Memoriam
- Iain Scobbie, Out of the Shadows: An Appreciation of Sir Elihu Lauterpacht’s Contribution to the Doctrine of International Law
- Article
- Martin Clark, A Conceptual History of Recognition in British International Legal Thought
- Symposium on the Iraq Inquiry
- Rosalyn Higgins, Introduction to the Symposium
- Christian Henderson, Reading Between the Lines: The Iraq Inquiry, Doctrinal Debates, and the Legality of Military Action Against Iraq in 2003
- Nico J. Schrijver, The Dutch Committee of Inquiry on the War in Iraq and the Basis in International Law for the Military Intervention
- Michael Wood, The Iraq Inquiry: Some Personal Reflections
- Matthew Windsor, The Special Responsibility of Government Lawyers and the Iraq Inquiry
- Tanja Aalberts & Lianne J. M. Boer, Entering the Invisible College: Defeating Lawyers on Their Own Turf
- Mark Phythian, Intelligence Failure as a Mutually Reinforcing Politico-Intelligence Dynamic: The Chilcot Report and the Nature of the Iraq WMD Intelligence Failure
- Yolanda Gamarra, Parliamentary Control of the Deployment of Spanish Armed Forces Abroad in the Post-Iraq Era
- Charlotte Peevers, Media Spectacles of Legal Accountability in the Reporting of an Official History
New Volume: British Yearbook of International Law
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
September 13, 2019