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New Issue: International Review of the Red Cross

The latest issue of the International Review of the Red Cross (Vol. 100, nos. 907-909, April 2018) is out. The theme is: "150 years of humanitarian reflection." Contents include:
  • Vincent Bernard, The International Review of the Red Cross: Witness to the humanitarian revolution
  • Three short essays in honour of the 150th anniversary of the International Review of the Red Cross
  • A brief history of the International Review of the Red Cross
  • The editors-in-chief of the Review, 1869–2019
  • David P. Forsythe, The ICRC as seen through the pages of the Review, 1869–1913: Personal observations
  • Daniel Palmieri, To inform or govern? 150 years of the International Review of the Red Cross, 1869–2019
  • Annette Becker, From the Bulletin International des Sociétés de la Croix Rouge to the International Review of the Red Cross: The Great War as a revelator
  • Ben Holmes, The International Review of the Red Cross and the protection of civilians, c. 1919–1939
  • Ismaël Raboud, Matthieu Niederhauser, & Charlotte Mohr, Reflections on the development of the Movement and international humanitarian law through the lens of the ICRC Library's Heritage Collection
  • Jeffrey Biller, Cyber operations and the Second Geneva Convention
  • Étienne Chénier-Laflèche, The prevention of torture in Rio de Janeiro: A study on the role of public defenders
  • Sharon Weill, French foreign fighters: The engagement of administrative and criminal justice in France
  • Alon Margalit, Still a blind spot: The protection of LGBT persons during armed conflict and other situations of violence
  • Sabrina Henry, Exploring the “continuous combat function” concept in armed conflicts: Time for an extended application?
  • Natalie Klein-Kelly, More humanitarian accountability, less humanitarian access? Alternative ideas on accountability for protection activities in conflict settings
  • Helene Højfeldt Jakobsen, Returning foreign fighters: The case of Denmark
  • Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier & Jonathan Whittall, An environment conducive to mistakes? Lessons learnt from the attack on the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan
  • Valérie McKnight Hashemi, A balancing act: The revised rules of access to the ICRC Archives reflect multiple stakes and challenges
New Issue: International Review of the Red Cross New Issue: International Review of the Red Cross Reviewed by Ladi Michael on September 10, 2019 Rating: 5
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