The latest issue of International Relations (Vol. 33, no. 3, September 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Cynthia Enloe, Wounds: Militarized nursing, feminist curiosity, and unending war
- Alan Collins, W(h)ither the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)? W(h)ither constructivism? Fixity of norms and the ASEAN Way
- Ricardo Villanueva, The Marxian influence on Leonard Woolf’s theory of imperialism
- Michal Smetana & Jan Ludvik, Theorising indirect coercion: The logic of triangular strategies
- Andreas H Hvidsten, Karl Mannheim and the liberal telos of realism
- Keith Smith, Recollecting a lost dialogue: Structural Realism meets neoclassical realism
New Issue: International Relations
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
September 04, 2019