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New Issue: Melbourne Journal of International Law

The latest issue of the Melbourne Journal of International Law (Vol. 20, no. 1, 2019) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Focus — Law and Technology
    • Melissa de Zwart & Dale Stephens, The Space (Innovation) Race: The Inevitable Relationship between Military Technology and Innovation
    • Matthijs M Maas, International Law Does Not Compute: Artificial Intelligence and the Development, Displacement or Destruction of the Global Legal Order
    • Carrie McDougall, Autonomous Weapon Systems and Accountability: Putting the Cart before the Horse
    • Andrew D Mitchell, Tania Voon & Jarrod Hepburn, Taxing Tech: Risks of an Australian Digital Services Tax under International Economic Law
    • Arvin Kristopher Razon, Liberalising Blockchain: An Application of the GATS Digital Trade Framework
  • Lecture
    • Adam Roberts, Foundational Myths in the Laws of War: The 1863 Lieber Code, and the 1864 Geneva Convention
  • Articles
    • Toni Collins & Shea Esterling, Fluid Personality: Indigenous Rights and the Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement) Act 2017 in Aotearoa New Zealand
    • Ingrid Landau, Human Rights Due Diligence and the Risk of Cosmetic Compliance
    • Samuel Berhanu Woldemariam, Amy Maguire & Jason von Meding, Forced Human Displacement, the Third World and International Law: A TWAIL Perspective
  • Commentary
    • Jeremy J Kingsley & Melinda Heap, Dubai: Creating a Global Legal Platform?
  • Review Essay
    • Daniela Alaattinoğlu, Odette Mazel, Claerwen O’Hara & Dianne Otto, Fearless Speech: Seeking Freedom beyond the (Liberal) Fishbowl
New Issue: Melbourne Journal of International Law New Issue: Melbourne Journal of International Law Reviewed by Ladi Michael on August 21, 2019 Rating: 5
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