- Articles
- Richard Traunmüller, Sara Kijewski, & Markus Freitag, The Silent Victims of Sexual Violence during War: Evidence from a List Experiment in Sri Lanka
- Shanna Kirschner & Adam Miller, Does Peacekeeping Really Bring Peace? Peacekeepers and Combatant-perpetrated Sexual Violence in Civil Wars
- Emily Kalah Gade, Michael Gabbay, Mohammed M. Hafez, & Zane Kelly, Networks of Cooperation: Rebel Alliances in Fragmented Civil Wars
- Ursula Daxecker, Jessica Di Salvatore, & Andrea Ruggeri, Fraud Is What People Make of It: Election Fraud, Perceived Fraud, and Protesting in Nigeria
- Patricia Justino & Bruno Martorano, Redistributive Preferences and Protests in Latin America
- Marina G. Petrova, What Matters Is Who Supports You: Diaspora and Foreign States as External Supporters and Militants’ Adoption of Nonviolence
- Yoram Z. Haftel & Stephanie C. Hofmann, Rivalry and Overlap: Why Regional Economic Organizations Encroach on Security Organizations
- Data Set Feature
- Patricia Lynne Sullivan & Johannes Karreth, Strategies and Tactics in Armed Conflict: How Governments and Foreign Interveners Respond to Insurgent Threats
New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
August 30, 2019