- Editorial
- JHHW, Editor-in-Chief Sarah M. H. Nouwen; Best Practice – Writing a Peer-Review Report; In this Issue
- Articles
- Michal Ovádek & Ines Willemyns, International Law of Customs Unions: Conceptual Variety, Legal Ambiguity and Diverse Practice
- Miles Jackson, State Instigation in International Law: A General Principle Transposed
- Paolo Amorosa, Pioneering International Women’s Rights? The US National Woman’s Party and the 1933 Montevideo Equal Rights Treaties
- ‘Hospital Shields’ and International Humanitarian Law – An Exchange
- Neve Gordon & Nicola Perugini, ‘Hospital Shields‘ and the Limits of International Law
- Yishai Beer, Save the Injured – Don’t Kill IHL: Rejecting Absolute Immunity for ‘Shielding Hospitals’
- Those who Teach and Those who Learn: International Law as an Academic Discipline
- Ryan Scoville & Mark Berlin, Who Studies International Law? Explaining Cross-national Variation in Compulsory International Legal Education
- Sondre Torp Helmersen, Finding ‘the Most Highly Qualified Publicists’: Lessons from the International Court of Justice
- Roaming Charges: Do Not Discard
- Symposium: International Law and Economic Exploitation in the Global Commons
- Isabel Feichtner & Surabhi Ranganathan, International Law and Economic Exploitation in the Global Commons: Introduction
- Matt Craven, ‘Other Spaces’: Constructing the Legal Architecture of a Cold War Commons and the Scientific-Technical Imaginary of Outer Space
- Surabhi Ranganathan, Ocean Floor Grab: International Law and the Making of an Extractive Imaginary
- Isabel Feichtner, Sharing the Riches of the Sea: The Redistributive and Fiscal Dimension of Deep Seabed Exploitation
- Karin Mickelson, Common Heritage of Mankind as a Limit to Exploitation of the Global Commons
- Critical Review of Jurisprudence
- Cosette D. Creamer & Zuzanna Godzimirska, Trust in the Court: The Role of the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights
- Book Reviews
- Martins Paparinskis, reviewing Charles T. Kotuby Jr & Luke A. Sobota, General Principles of Law and International Due Process: Principles and Norms Applicable in Transnational Disputes
- Ole Kristian Fauchald, reviewing Mihir Kanade, The Multilateral Trading System and Human Rights: A Governance Space Theory on Linkages
- Volker Roeben, reviewing Mathias Forteau & Jean-Marc Thouvenin eds., Traité de droit international de la mer
- The Last Page
- Friedrich Schiller, An die Freude/Hymn to Joy
New Issue: European Journal of International Law
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
July 25, 2019