Immi Tallgren (Univ. of Helsinki - Law) & Thomas Skouteris (American Univ. in Cairo - Law) have published The New Histories of International Criminal Law: Retrials (Oxford Univ. Press 2019). Contents include:
- Immi Tallgren & Thomas Skouteris, Editors' Introduction
- Martti Koskenniemi, Foreword
- Gerry Simpson, Unprecedents
- Kamari Clarke, Founding Moments and Founding Fathers: Shaping Publics Through the Sentimentalization of History Narratives
- Lawrence Douglas, From the Sentimental Story of the State to the Verbrecherstaat; Or, the Rise of the Atrocity Paradigm
- Frederic Megret, International Criminal Justice History Writing as Anachronism
- Heidi Matthews, Redeeming Rape: Berlin 1945 and the Making of Modern International Criminal Law
- Immi Tallgren, 'Voglio una donna!': Of Contributing to History of International Criminal Law with the Help of Women Who Perpetrated International Crimes
- Emily Haslam, Writing More Inclusive Histories of International Criminal Law: Lessons From the Transatlantic Slave Trade
- Christopher Gevers, The 'Africa Blue Books' at Versailles: World War I, Narrative and Unthinkable Histories of International Criminal Law
- Vasuki Nesiah, Crimes Against Humanity: Racialized Subjects and Deracialized Histories
- Franziska Exeler, Nazi Atrocities, International Criminal Law, and War Crimes Trials. The Soviet Union and the Global Moment of Post-World War II Justice
- Aleksi Peltonen, Theodor Meron and the Humanization of International Law
- Mark Drumbl, Histories of the Jewish 'Collaborator': Exile, not Guilt
Tallgren & Skouteris: The New Histories of International Criminal Law: Retrials
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
April 09, 2019