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New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution

The latest issue of the Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 63, no. 5, May 2019) is out. Contents include:
  • Tobias Böhmelt, Abel Escribà-Folch, & Ulrich Pilster, Pitfalls of Professionalism? Military Academies and Coup Risk
  • Jonathan A. Chu, A Clash of Norms? How Reciprocity and International Humanitarian Law affect American Opinion on the Treatment of POWs
  • Nam Kyu Kim & Mi Hwa Hong, Politics of Pursuing Justice in the Aftermath of Civil Conflict
  • Laron K. Williams, Guns Yield Butter? An Exploration of Defense Spending Preferences
  • Bradley C. Smith & William Spaniel, Militarized Disputes, Uncertainty, and Leader Tenure
  • Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, Layna Mosley, & Robert Galantucci, Protecting Workers Abroad and Industries at Home: Rights-based Conditionality in Trade Preference Programs
  • David Hales & Bruce Edmonds, Intragenerational Cultural Evolution and Ethnocentrism
  • Ryan D. Griffith &, Louis M. Wasser, Does Violent Secessionism Work?
  • Karsten Donnay, Eric T. Dunford, Erin C. McGrath, David Backer, & David E. Cunningham, Integrating Conflict Event Data
New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution Reviewed by Ladi Michael on April 12, 2019 Rating: 5
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