The latest issue of the Business and Human Rights Journal (Vol. 4, no. 1, January 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue on Business, Human Rights and Security
- Mary E. Footer & Nigel D. White, Guest Editorial - Business, Human Rights and Security
- Marya Farah & Maha Abdallah, Security, Business and Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
- Daria Davitti, The Rise of Private Military and Security Companies in European Union Migration Policies: Implications under the UNGPs
- Sorcha Macleod & Rebecca Dewinter-Schmitt, Certifying Private Security Companies: Effectively Ensuring the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights?
- Cristina Narváez González & Katharine Valencia, Improving Human Rights in the Private Security Industry: Envisioning the Role of ICoCA in Latin America
- Núria Reguart-Segarra, Business, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Security in the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- Developments in the Field
- William S. Dodge, Corporate Liability Under the US Alien Tort Statute: A Comment on Jesner v Arab Bank
- Catie Shavin, Unlocking the Potential of the New OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Business Conduct
- Joana Nabuco & Leticia Aleixo, Rights Holders’ Participation and Access to Remedies: Lessons Learned from the Doce River Dam Disaster
- Machiko Kanetake, The EU’s Export Control of Cyber Surveillance Technology: Human Rights Approaches
- Vivek Krishnamurthy, Are Internet Protocols the New Human Rights Protocols? Understanding ‘RFC 8280 – Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations’
- Kinnari Bhatt, Does India’s Draft Mineral Policy Recognize and Implement Public Trust over Mineral Resources and Intergenerational Equity?
- Sera Mirzabegian, Big Tobacco v Australia: Challenges to Plain Packaging
New Issue: Business and Human Rights Journal
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
April 09, 2019