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New Volume: Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law

The latest volume of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (Vol. 20, 2017) is out. Contents include:
  • The Development and Interpretation of International Humanitarian Law
    • Heleen Hiemstra & Ellen Nohle, The Role of Non-State Armed Groups in the Development and Interpretation of International Humanitarian Law
    • Rogier Bartels, A Fine Line Between Protection and Humanisation: The Interplay Between the Scope of Application of International Humanitarian Law and Jurisdiction over Alleged War Crimes Under International Criminal Law
    • Samit D’Cunha, The Notion of External NIACs: Reconsidering the Intensity Threshold in Light of Contemporary Armed Conflicts
    • Valentina Azarova, Towards a Counter-Hegemonic Law of Occupation: On the Regulation of Predatory Interstate Acts in Contemporary International Law
  • Targeting in Armed Conflicts
    • Jeroen C. van den Boogaard & Arjen Vermeer, Precautions in Attack and Urban and Siege Warfare
    • Till Patrik Holterhus, Targeting the Islamic State’s Religious Personnel Under International Humanitarian Law
    • Héctor Olasolo & Felipe Tenorio-Obando, Are the Targets of Aerial Spraying Operations in Colombia Lawful Under International Humanitarian Law?
  • Other Articles
    • Beier Lin, Marie Wilmet, & Charlotte Renckens, Year in Review 2017
New Volume: Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law New Volume: Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Reviewed by Ladi Michael on February 14, 2019 Rating: 5
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