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Conference: The International Criminal Court and the Community of Nations

On March 8, 2019, the University of Georgia School of Law will host a conference on "The International Criminal Court and the Community of Nations." The program is here. Here's the idea:

Across the globe, resurgent nationalisms place stress on institutions designed to promote human and collective security through international cooperation. Critiques – even, at times, outright denunciations – compel such institutions to re-examine, in a process that poses challenges yet also portends opportunities for renewal. The dynamic surely affects the International Criminal Court. In the last several months alone, states as varied as Burundi, the Philippines, and the United States have levied harsh criticism against this twenty-year-old justice institution, established in recognition that “children, women and men have been victims of unimaginable atrocities” that “threaten the peace, security and well-being of the world.” In the same time frame, the ICC Prosecutor welcomed a multistate referral of alleged crimes in Venezuela and launched a preliminary examination into alleged forced deportation in Myanmar, and the Court as a whole continued complementary efforts to strengthen national and regional prevention and accountability. It did so within legal, geopolitical, and budgetary constraints imposed by a trio of stakeholder communities.

The Dean Rusk International Law Center and the Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law at the University of Georgia School of Law will host a daylong conference to explore these developments on Friday, March 8, 2019, at the law school’s Athens campus. The conference will feature a video message from International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda. Experts from academia and the practice will cast a critical eye on “The International Criminal Court and the Community of Nations”; that is, on the place of the ICC vis-à-vis communities of states parties, nonparty states, and nonstate stakeholders, as well as inherited communities. Presentations will be published in the Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law.

Conference: The International Criminal Court and the Community of Nations Conference: The International Criminal Court and the Community of Nations Reviewed by Ladi Michael on February 11, 2019 Rating: 5
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