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New Issue: International Interactions

The latest issue of International Interactions (Vol. 44, no. 5, 2018) is out. Contents include:
  • Articles
    • Lisa Lechner & Simon Wüthrich, Seal the Deal: Bargaining Positions, Institutional Design, and the Duration of Preferential Trade Negotiations
    • Shahryar Minhas & Karen L. Remmer, The Reputational Impact of Investor-State Disputes
    • Hakan Gunaydin, Who Can Reform the Labor Market? IMF Conditionality, Partisanship, and Labor Unions
  • Research Notes
    • Matthew S. Wells & Timothy J. Ryan, Following the Party in Time of War? The Implications of Elite Consensus
    • Nam Kyu Kim, International Conflict, International Security Environment, and Military Coups
    • Nina von Uexkull & Therese Pettersson, Issues and Actors in African Nonstate Conflicts: A New Data Set
    • Bryan Rooney, Sources of Leader Support and Interstate Rivalry
New Issue: International Interactions New Issue: International Interactions Reviewed by Ladi Michael on August 04, 2018 Rating: 5
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