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New Issue: ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal

The latest issue of the ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (Vol. 33, no. 1, Winter 2018) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Focus Section: OECD Conference – Evaluating and Enhancing Outcomes of Investment Treaties
    • Andrew Kerner, What Can We Really Know about BITs and FDI? 
    • Ursula Kriebaum, Evaluating Social Benefits and Costs of Investment Treaties: Depoliticization of Investment Disputes
    • Stephan W Schill & Vladislav Djanic, Wherefore Art Thou? Towards a Public Interest-Based Justification of International Investment Law 
  • Lecture
    • W Michael Reisman, The Past and Future of the Great Compact : White & Case International Arbitration Lecture (Lamm Lecture, University of Miami School of Law, 9 February 2017) 
  • Case Comments
    • Jean Ho, Sanum Investments Ltd v The Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic: Circumstantial Indicia in Treaty Interpretation 
    • Yannick Radi, Philip Morris v Uruguay: Regulatory Measures in International Investment Law: To Be or Not To Be Compensated? 
    • Philip Devenish & Odysseas G Repousis, CEAC v Montenegro: When does an investor have a ‘seat’ in its home state? 
  • Note
    • Nelson Goh, The Power of Tribunals to Enjoin Criminal Proceedings: A Widening Power or Converging High Bar? Italba Corporation v Oriental Republic of Uruguay; Hydro Srl and others v Republic of Albania; Teinver and others v Argentine Republic
  • Articles
    • Carlos José Valderrama, Perú – Buenas Prácticas de Cómo Enfrentar Demandas Internacionales Iniciadas por Inversionistas Privados 
    • John Shijian Mo, The Dilemma of Applying Bilateral Investment Treaties of China to Hong Kong and Macao: Challenge Raised by Sanum Investments to China 
    • Michael Hwang & Aloysius Chang, Of Forks and Dead Ends: Sanum Investments Ltd v Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
    • Yuka Fukunaga, Abuse of Process under International Law and Investment Arbitration 
    • Christine Sim, Dealing with Ex Post Information in Investment Arbitrations: Quiborax SA et al v Plurinational State of Bolivia
    • Cherie Blair & Ema Vidak Gojković, WikiLeaks and Beyond: Discerning an International Standard for the Admissibility of Illegally Obtained Evidence 
    • Brian Kotick & Joel Dahlquist Cullborg, A (Counter) Balancing Act: The Express Power to Order a Security on a Stay of Enforcement Pending Annulment 
    • Patrick M Norton, The Role of Precedent in the Development of International Investment Law
    • Duncan Watson & Tom Brebner. Nationality Planning and Abuse of Process: A Coherent Framework 
New Issue: ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal New Issue: ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal Reviewed by Ladi Michael on June 18, 2018 Rating: 5
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