Nina H.B. Jørgensen (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong - Law) has published The Elgar Companion to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (Edward Elgar Publishing 2018). Here's the abstract:
This Companion is a one-stop reference resource on the Phnom Penh based ‘Khmer Rouge tribunal'. It serves as an introduction to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, while also exploring some of the Court’s practical and jurisprudential challenges and outcomes. Written by Nina Jørgensen, who has worked as senior adviser in the tribunal’s Pre-Trial and Supreme Court Chambers, the Companion offers both direct insights and academic analysis organized around six themes: legality, structure, proceedings, jurisprudence, legitimacy and legacy. This comprehensive Companion will provide a platform for interested sectors of domestic and international society, to assess the value of the Extraordinary Chambers, both during the tribunal’s lifespan and after it has closed its doors.
Jørgensen: The Elgar Companion to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
June 15, 2018