- Angelina Snodgrass Godoy, Finding El Salvador's Disappeared: What the US Files Reveal
- Rebecca Cook, Sir Nigel Rodley's Insights on the Feminist Transformation of the Right of Conscience
- Alexandra Cosima Budabin & Lisa Ann Richey, Advocacy Narratives and Celebrity Engagement: The Case of Ben Affleck in Congo
- Changrok Soh & Seunghyun Nam, Business and Human Rights Case Study of Korean Companies Operating Overseas: Challenges and a New National Action Plan
- Luz Angela Cardona, Horacio Ortiz, & Daniel Vázquez, Corruption and Human Rights: Possible Relations
- Audrey R. Chapman, Lisa Forman, Everaldo Lamprea, & Kajal Khanna, Identifying the Components of a Core Health Services Package from a Human Rights Perspective to Inform Progress Toward Universal Health Coverage
- Christopher R. Rossi, Hauntings, Hegemony, and the Threatened African Exodus from the International Criminal Court
- Mark Lattimer, Two Concepts of Human Rights
- Barbara Oomen, Between Signing and Ratifying: Preratification Politics, the Disability Convention, and the Dutch
- Raymond Debelle, Harald Hinkel, Dominic Johnson, Major (Retired) Philip Lancaster, Linda Melvern, Hans Romkema, Simone Schlindwein, Rebuttal to: "NGO Justice: African Rights as Pseudo-Prosecutor of the Rwandan Genocide," by Luc Reydams
- Luc Reydams, Protesting Too Much: A Response to Linda Melvern et al.
New Issue: Human Rights Quarterly
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
May 24, 2018