The latest issue of Europa Ethnica (Vol. 75, nos. 1/2, 2018). Contents include:
- Ferdinand Hennerbichler, Zukunfts-Optionen von Kurden in Eurasien
- Michael Rubin, The Enemy of an Enemy: Will the Kurds benefit from shifting American Alliances?
- Joost Jongerden, From containment and rollback to escalation: Turkey’s Kurdish issue under the AKP
- Thomas Schmidinger, Von Rojava zur Demokratischen Föderation Nordsyrien
- Kozad M. Ahmed, How to Subdue a Minority? Historiography in Iraq under the Ba’th as a Political Means
- James M. Dorsey, Whither the Kurds?
- Maria Six-Hohenbalken, Kurdayeti, gurbet und nishtiman – Eckpfeiler der kurdischen Diasporen und transnationalen Gemeinschaften
New Issue: Europa Ethnica
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
May 25, 2018