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New Issue: Review of International Studies

The latest issue of the Review of International Studies (Vol. 44, no. 2, April 2018) is out. Contents include:
  • Anthony McKeown & John Glenn, The rise of resilience after the financial crises: a case of neoliberalism rebooted?
  • Jan Stöckmann, Women, wars, and world affairs: Recovering feminist International Relations, 1915–39
  • Lorenzo Cello, Taking history seriously in IR: Towards a historicist approach
  • Eren Duzgun, Capitalism, Jacobinism and International Relations: Re-interpreting the Ottoman path to modernity
  • Catherine Owen, John Heathershaw, & Igor Savin, How postcolonial is post-Western IR? Mimicry and mētis in the international politics of Russia and Central Asia
  • Jonathan Luke Austin & Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard, (De)securitisation dilemmas: Theorising the simultaneous enaction of securitisation and desecuritisation
  • Matt Sleat, Just cyber war?: Casus belli, information ethics, and the human perspective
  • Monika Heupel, Gisela Hirschmann, & Michael Zürn, International organisations and human rights: What direct authority needs for its legitimation
  • Marcel Hanegraaff & Arlo Poletti, The stakeholder model paradox: How the globalisation of politics fuels domestic advocacy
New Issue: Review of International Studies New Issue: Review of International Studies Reviewed by Ladi Michael on March 14, 2018 Rating: 5
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