- Jing Xu, International environmental agreements with agenda and interaction between pollutants
- Jasper N. Meya, Ulrike Kornek, & Kai Lessmann, How empirical uncertainties influence the stability of climate coalitions
- Duncan Weaver, The Aarhus convention and process cosmopolitanism
- Michael B. Schwebel, Gathering at the AOSIS: perceived cooperation among Pacific Small Island States
- Anita Talberg, Peter Christoff, Sebastian Thomas, & David Karoly, Geoengineering governance-by-default: an earth system governance perspective
- Jing Liu & Michael Faure, Risk-sharing agreements to cover environmental damage: theory and practice
- Jacob D. Petersen-Perlman & Itay Fischhendler, The weakness of the strong: re-examining power in transboundary water dynamics
- Simon Marsden, Protecting wild land from wind farms in a post-EU Scotland
New Issue: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
March 12, 2018