Martin Böse (Universität Bonn - Law), Michael Bohlander (Durham Univ. - Law), André Klip (Maastricht Univ. - Law) & Otto Lagodny (Universität Salzburg - Law) have published Justice Without Borders: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Schomburg (Brill | Nijhoff 2018). Contents include:
- Kai Ambos, European Criminal Law and Brexit
- David Baragwanath, Energising the Law’s Response to Terrorism: The Decision of the Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal of Lebanon and the Need for Further Action
- Martin Böse, The Transnational Dimension of the ne bis in idem Principle and the Notion of res iudicata in the European Union
- Michael Bohlander, “The Global Panopticon”: Mass Surveillance and Data Privacy Intrusion as a Crime against Humanity?
- Helen Brady & David Re, Environmental and Cultural Heritage Crimes: The Possibilities under the Rome Statute
- Albin Eser, The Role of Comparative Law in Transnational Criminal Justice
- Sabine Gless, Protecting Human Rights through Exclusionary Rules? Highlights on a Conflict in Criminal Proceedings from a Comparative Perspective
- Florian Jeßberger, Implementing Kampala: The New Crime of Aggression under the German Code of Crimes against International Law
- Michael G. Karnavas, The Serendipitous Nature of the ICC Trial Proceedings Risks the ICC’s Credibility
- Stefan Kirsch, Vom eingeschränkten Nutzen strafrechtlicher Urteile für die Historiographie: Ein Beitrag zum Zustandekommen des ersten deutschen Urteils wegen Völkermordes in Ruanda
- André Klip, Fundamentally Dissenting Judge Schomburg
- Otto Lagodny, Combatting Terrorism without Secret Services?
- Howard Morrison, Judging in International Criminal Cases: Challenges, Aspirations and Duties
- Jan Christoph Nemitz, 25 Years of International Criminal Justice: Ebb and Flow or Rise and Fall?
- Ines Peterson, International Criminal Liability for Incitement and Hate Speech
- Herwig Roggemann, Die Konfliktregion Südosteuropa und das internationale und nationale Strafrecht
- William A. Schabas, International Prosecution of Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes Perpetrated during the First World War
- Matthias Schuster, The ICTY’s Šešelj Trial: Taking Stock of a Disaster
Böse, Bohlander, Klip, & Lagodny: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Schomburg
Reviewed by Ladi Michael
March 01, 2018