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Call for Papers: Postgraduate Colloquium in Critical International Law

The Centre for the Study of Colonialism, Empire and International Law at SOAS University of London and Durham Law School’s Law and Global Justice research cluster have issued a call for papers for a Postgraduate Colloquium in Critical International Law, to be held at SOAS in London on September 20, 2018. Here's the call:

Postgraduate Colloquium in Critical International Law

SOAS University of London

20th September 2018

Call for Papers

The Centre for the Study of Colonialism, Empire and International Law at SOAS University of London and Durham Law School’s Law and Global Justice research centre are delighted to launch the Postgraduate Colloquium in Critical International Law to be held at SOAS in London on 20th September 2018.

The colloquium will focus on postgraduate research in international law that takes a critical approach (broadly understood). The organisers are keen to hear from anyone taking an innovative or in some sense alternative approach to the study of international law. Relevant approaches might include, for example: feminism/gender studies, queer theory, critical race theory, Marxism, TWAIL/(post-)colonial approaches, international legal history/history and international law, psychoanalysis, structuralism and post-structuralism, post-modernism, law and literature, law and art, realism, law and science, and/or empirical approaches.  

The aim of the colloquium is to draw together junior scholars undertaking research in these fields and to provide a supportive and collaborative environment for the exchange of cutting-edge, heterodox, ideas in the realm of public international law. Attendees will present their research and receive feedback and commentary from a more established scholar in the field. Attendees should be registered on a University MPhil/PhD programme (or other research degree) but need not be based within law faculties. In particular, students researching public international law in related disciplines such as international relations, politics, philosophy, history, gender studies, sociology or other areas are encouraged to apply.

Application Procedure

Please submit the following by email to both Dr. Matthew Nicholson (Durham Law School) at and Dr. Kate Grady (SOAS University of London) at

  • Abstract of the research paper to be presented at the colloquium (no more than one page of A4)
  • Short CV (no more than one page of A4) focussing on key research achievements to date (conference presentations, publications etc).

The deadline for receipt of applications is 15th April 2018.

We aim to notify successful applicants by the end of May 2018. Attendees will be required to provide a summary of the argument they wish to present at the colloquium (no more than 2,500 words) by 20th August 2018 to give the commentators time to prepare. The colloquium will take place at SOAS University of London on 20th September 2018. There will be no charge to attend the colloquium but we regret we are unable to provide financial assistance with transport and accommodation.

Call for Papers: Postgraduate Colloquium in Critical International Law Call for Papers: Postgraduate Colloquium in Critical International Law Reviewed by Ladi Michael on February 27, 2018 Rating: 5
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