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Call for Expressions of Interest: Hosting European Conference on the Theory and Philosophy of International Law

The ESIL Interest Group on International Legal Theory and Philosophy has issued a call for European scholarly institutions to express their interest in hosting and coorganizing the first European Conference on the Theory and Philosophy of International Law. Here's the call:

Call for Expressions of Interest

First European Conference on the Theory
and Philosophy of International Law

The ESIL Interest Group on International Legal Theory and Philosophy (IGITLP) cordially invites European scholarly institutions to express their interest in hosting and co-organising, together with IGILTP, the First European Conference on the Theory and Philosophy of International Law.

At this stage, IGILTP is only looking for an expression of interest in organising the conference. All details of the proposed conference, including date, format, selection of speakers and topic are subject of discussions between IGILTP’s Co-ordinating Committee and those expressing an interest in hosting the event. We nonetheless wish to propose a potential topic as basis for negotiations:

Unseen Fission? The Drifting-Apart of Theories
and Philosophies of International Law

Has the proliferation of theoretical (including philosophical) approaches to international law, the increasing specialisation of (legal-)theoretical research, together with a radicalisation of their argumenta-tive foundations, silently killed any hope for a common theoretical discourse about international law? Have legal theorists become too legalistic to hear and be heard by philosophers? Have theoretical discourses become too theoretical – and black-letter lawyers too practice-oriented – for each to be able to speak to the other? These questions (and more like it) are the unseen heart and unsung story of theoretical research into international law in Europe and beyond; the conference will explore it. The event is designed to foster maximum inclusivity, both regarding the approaches studied as well as re-garding the method(ologie)s used to study these phenomena.

Please submit expressions of interest to IGILTP’s chair, Jörg Kammerhofer (, until Wednesday, 31 January 2018. Informal queries can be directed to the same address.

The ESIL IGILTP Co-ordinating Committee

Noora Johanna Arajärvi, Gleider I Hernández, Jörg Kammerhofer, John Morss, Ozlem Ulgen, Ekaterina Yahyaoui

Call for Expressions of Interest: Hosting European Conference on the Theory and Philosophy of International Law Call for Expressions of Interest: Hosting European Conference on the Theory and Philosophy of International Law Reviewed by Ladi Michael on October 13, 2017 Rating: 5
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