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New Issue: Journal of World Trade

The latest issue of the Journal of World Trade (Vol. 51, no. 5, 2017) is out. Contents include:
  • Nils Wahl & Luca Prete, Blowin’ Against the Wind: On ACTA, AA, CETA, TTIP and the Forgetfulness of David Ricardo
  • Batshur Gootiiz & Aaditya Mattoo, Services in the Trans-Pacific Partnership: What Would Be Lost?
  • Kent Jones, Revolutionary Cuba and the GATT/WTO System
  • Hao Wu, Customs Cooperation in the WTO: From Uruguay to Doha
  • Susan Elizabeth Martins Cesar de Oliveira, Is the Death of the TPP Good News for Brazil? Mega-Regional Agreements and the Quest for Development ‘Policy Space’
  • May T. Yeung, William A. Kerr, Blair Coomber, Matthew Lantz, & Alyse McConnell, Retreat from Harmonization: Trade Uncertainties Arising from Divergent Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides
  • Yong-Shik Lee, Future of Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Just a Dead Trade Initiative or a Meaningful Model for the North-South Economic and Trade Integration?
New Issue: Journal of World Trade New Issue: Journal of World Trade Reviewed by Ladi Michael on September 29, 2017 Rating: 5
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